Have you ever wondered what Missionary life is really like?

Author, Franz Martens, exposes his career as a missionary, sharing intimate stories of life "on the field"—including the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Have you ever followed your Dream only to see it crash into the ground?

My dream was to be a dynamic missionary who impacted the world in amazing ways.

Over the course of 25 years I was seduced and drawn into the arms of ministry. I had vision; I had purpose and I had a clear identity. Or so I thought.

Ministry used me and spit me out, a disillusioned and burnt out shell of a man.

Then some extraordinary things happened and everything changed. This is my story.

For years people have been “claiming” the promises of the Bible without really understanding the promises they are claiming.

Too often, well-meaning Christians take the promises that God made to the nation of Israel and claim them for themselves.

Another problem with promises is that many Christians do not know the difference between “absolute” promises and “obedience” promises. Franz Martens will help you with that in the pages you are about to read.

“I Promise” is a well thought out, Gospel-centered book that will give you the understanding you need to “rightly divide” the promises of God’s Word so that you can correctly apply them in your daily life. -Dr. Charlie Boyd, Pastor

Are you worried about the world around you?

Many people in today’s church find themselves secretly struggling with a silent jailer holding them captive with no way out.

Anxiety is a big problem in our world today. Unfortunately, many in the church are not finding the answers they are looking for. But the Bible gives us many examples of how God intended us to live.

Using the story of Israel wandering in the wilderness and failing to find the "rest" of Canaan, this book explores how God tried to lead them out of their anxious mess into a trusting relationship with Him.

The reader will learn many lessons from scripture and apply practical thoughts leading towards application in their lives despite our current cultural context.

The entire story of Israel's exodus and wilderness wanderings are explored without getting bogged down in the mundane details.

The goal is to help people start on their own exodus out of chronic anxiety. Breaking every bond and living a life free from their fears. Think of this book as emotional healing made simple.

Are you ready to break free?